Are priests happy in their vocations - in their lives and in their work for Christ?  
Do priests get paid?  
Do you have to be a virgin to enter the priesthood or consecrated life?  
Do you lose your freedom as a priest?  
How do I know what God wants of me?  
How does one become a diocesan priest?  
How often does a priest have to pray?  
What about personal debt; do I have to pay off all my bills before I decide to enter into the priesthood?  
What do priests do for fun?  
What does a priest do all day?
What exactly is a vocation?  
What if I am not holy enough to be a priest?  
What is the difference between a brother and a priest?  
What is the difference between a diocesan priest and a religious priest?  
What qualities does the church look for in a candidate for priesthood?  

Are priests happy in their vocations - in their lives and in their work for Christ?  

Most priests are extremely happy in their vocation and fulfilled by their ministry. The life of a priest is a very rewarding life, both in this world and in the next. The media often gives an incorrect impression of priests, that they are largely unhappy, frustrated and angry. This is simply not true. In fact, research shows that priests are much happier in their jobs than the general population. A recent independent survey taken of diocesan priests in the Diocese of Toledo found the following results:

The priesthood is life-giving to me                                 96.7 % ("strongly agree" or "agree")
I am fulfilled as a priest                                                96.7 %
I would recommend the priesthood to a young man        90 %
I have a great assignment                                            91.8 %
I feel close to my brother priests                                  77.3 %
I have intimate friendships                                            91.1 %
I want to help foster vocations in my diocese                 94.4 %

In a day and age when roughly 50 % of couples who enter into marriage wind up choosing divorce, the recent data regarding the state of priestly happiness and fulfillment is nothing short of astonishing.

Do priests get paid?

Diocesan priests receive a modest salary, which enables them to buy their necessities, to buy and maintain a car, to take a vacation, and to do normal recreational activities. Also, priests receive room and board from the parish for which they work, so their expenses are minimal.

Diocesan priests do not take a vow of poverty like religious order priests. Nevertheless, they are encouraged to live a simple lifestyle and be generous to the poor. The black clerical clothes typically worn by a priest are an outward sign of the modest standard of living that is proper to priestly life and ministry.

Do you have to be a virgin to enter the priesthood or consecrated life?

While it is not an absolute requirement for a person to be virgin, if a person has fallen, it is necessary that the person now be living chastely. He should properly order his passions and demonstrate by his actions his ability to live celibately.

Do you lose your freedom as a priest?  

A diocesan priest makes a formal promise of obedience to his bishop. This pledge of loyalty binds the priest to his bishop in a manner that ensures that the needs of God's people will be met.  Freedom in priestly life and ministry changes in a way that is not unlike children becoming a part of parents' lives. The best parents always take their children into account. So, too, a priest considers others first when making decisions: namely, the people entrusted to his care, and his bishop who is responsible for the entire diocese.

How do I know what God wants of me?

You must pray every day, asking God to reveal his plan for you. Do not ask yourself, "What do I want to do with my life?" Rather, you should be asking:  "Jesus, what do you want me to do?"  Listen for the answer. Listen with your heart, not just your head. The Church must also be involved in the discernment process. Listen to what other people see in you. Your bishop is the one who will ultimately decide who is and who is not called to be a diocesan priest in his diocese.  He is assisted by the vocations office and the seminary staff.

How does one become a diocesan priest?

A man is invited by the Director of Vocations to apply to the diocese. This requires an application form, essays, letters of recommendation, interviews, background checks, and psychological screening. The Bishop ultimately decides whether or not to accept a candidate. After being accepted, the man goes to seminary. There he receives preparation for priesthood, including human, pastoral, spiritual, and academic formation. If he enters before receiving a bachelor's degree, he will earn a degreen in Philosophy before continuing in the graduate program in Theology. Seminary training and discernment ranges from five to nine years, depending on one's educational background, before a man is ordained a priest.


How often does a priest have to pray?  

Every day! Prayer occupies a central place in priestly life and ministry. Think for a moment of praying in terms of a close friendship. Can you imagine not speaking to your best friend regularly? A priest discovers that prayer - personal time with Christ Jesus - provides the source of strength, enabling him to be about the business of Heaven on earth. The Church in her wisdom knows how vital it is for the priest to be a man of prayer. One of the promises a priest makes at his ordination is to pray daily for God's people.

Of course it is not always easy to pray!  Just like an athlete does not always feel liking practicing or a student doesn't feel like studying, or a wage earner does not feel like working, so too there are times when a priest does not feel like praying.  Like parents who must rise in the night to care for their children, so too do priests receive the necessary grace to honor their commitment to pray.


What about personal debt; do I have to pay off all my bills before I decide to enter into the priesthood?

The most common mistake is to hold off making a decision about your vocation until you have paid off all your bills. Although dioceses and religious orders vary in their policies, you need to make a firm commitment in favor of your vocation. Be resolute and passionate about hearing God's voice in our noisy world. You will discover that as soon as you make the decision to clarify God's calling, your needs will change along with your spending and saving habits.

The key is to say "yes!" to God and to yourself. Wish no more than this: to do God's will. Then, make it so in your life.

What do priests do for fun?

A priest can do anything he wants for recreation, as long as it is consistent with the Christian life.  Many priests play golf, basketball, tennis, and other sports.  Many like to watch football, fish, travel, and spend time with friends and family.  Some even enjoy riding motorcycles, gardening, gourmet cooking, and playing a musical instrument.

What does a priest do all day?  

A priest labors each and every day to build bridges between Heaven and earth. He brings God to people and people to God. Every day is different and brings with it new opportunities to make real contributions in lives of people and families and advance God's Kingdom.

In the Diocese of Toledo most priests work in one of our 126 parishes.  Priests celebrate Mass daily and administer the Sacraments regularly: hearing confessions, anointing the sick, baptizing the young and old, witnessing marriages, burying the dead and comforting those who mourn.  Priests preach God's Word from the pulpit, teach God's ways in the classrooms and extend God's mercy to all whom they encounter. It is a busy, varied, rewarding life that demands physical stamina, mental discipline and spiritual maturity.


What exactly is a vocation?  

A vocation is a call from God to do something specifically for God and for His Kingdom.  The primary vocation of every person is to be holy.  It is the divine calling to love and serve God, to obey his commandments, and to cooperate with Christ in the work of redemption by loving and serving others.  Everyone is called to live the vocation of holiness, but everyone lives it in a special and unique way according to the plan of God.


What if I am not holy enough to be a priest?  

Holiness (to be like Jesus) is a lifetime endeavor for every person in every vocation.  Don't worry if you don't see yourself as very holy right now. God will form  you slowly, day by day and week by week, so that you will be ready to be His instrument when the time comes. But for now, use the Sacrament of Penance regularly. Read the Bible, receive the Sacraments, and pray every day. You will be surprised at how Christ-like you can become.


What is the difference between a brother and a priest?  

A brother is a layman who commits himself to Christ by the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience. He lives in a religious community and works in nearly any job: teacher, cook, lawyer, etc. Brothers are not sacramental ministers.  


What is the difference between a diocesan priest and a religious priest?

A man is ordained to priesthood through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Together, each man and the Church discern (discover) whether or not he is called to become a priest. Diocesan priests work mostly in parishes. All priests celebrate Mass and the Sacraments. Diocesan priests promise celibate chastity, prayer for the Church, and obedience to their bishop. They also choose to live a simple life.

Priests in religious life belong to a specific congregation or community that is bound together by a common mission or charism. Unlike diocesan priests, religious order priests take a vow of poverty and do not own items individually. Most often, religious order priests specialize in a certain type of ministry, such as education, social services, health care or foreign missions.


What qualities does the church look for in a candidate for priesthood?

A good candidate is a practicing, believing Catholic. He attends Mass at least weekly, prays every day, obeys the commandments, and tries to serve others. He must be mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. He must be open to the will of God and willing to learn and grow.