Vocations Resources



“Diocesan Priest” is a website with lots of helpful information about diocesan priesthood

“To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood” by Father Brett A. Brannen is a great resource for Catholic men. Please contact Father Phil for a free copy.

Praying with the Bible – Lectio Divina 

Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) is a method Catholics have used for centuries to pray with the Bible.  
It is a method that helps us experience God through the words of the Bible.

Where to begin?  It is usually best when beginning to pray with the Bible to start with the New Testament.  Pick a short story or a few verses from one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) and then use these 5 steps:

  1. Reading (lectio) – hearing God’s Word in the Bible as we read it.
    Pray about the question:What does the biblical text say? What is this text saying at a literal level?

  2. Meditation (meditatio) – reflecting on the meaning of the text that we have read.
    Pray about the question: What is God saying to me through this text? What is the spiritual message for me in this text? What words in the text speak to me most?

  3. Prayer (oratio) – speaking with God in praise, thanksgiving, contrition, and petition in response to what I have read.
    Pray about the question:What do I want to say to God in response to this text? Which of my ideas, fears, memories, plans, and experiences should I discuss with God because of what I have read in this text?

  4. Contemplation (contemplatio) – spending time with God in silence, resting in God’s presence, and allowing God to love you through the words God has spoken to you in this passage.

  5. Action (actio) – letting the encounter concretely affect our daily life and work in the world.
    Pray about the question:How will I change what I do today in response to hearing this text?

 “In the sacred books of the Bible the Father who is in heaven comes lovingly to meet his children, and talks with them.”
Dei Verbum#21 - Vatican II

Videos about Priesthood

Buckeye Vocations is a YouTube channel with videos about priesthood and vocations in Ohio

“The Catholic Priesthood” is a promotional video about the priesthood

“Fishers of Men” is an inspirational video about the priesthood: Part One & Part Two

“From Pro Soccer to the Priesthood: The Witness of Father Chase Hilgenbrinck”

“Heed the Call” encourages Catholic men to consider the priesthood

“I Will Follow” features the stories of Father Mike Schmitz and Father Josh Johnson

“Priests Offer Advice for Those Considering the Priesthood”

“When Love Requires Sacrifice”